Tziporah Salamon came to New York in 1959. Sixty two years later, she may just be NYC's longest standing style icon.
We had the opportunity to sit down with her in Chelsea to ask her about herself and to photograph some of her impeccable outfits.
Who, or what, inspires you?
I find inspiration everywhere. Nature inspires me like nothing else: a sunset, a flower, the ocean, the sky, birds, a rainbow, grass after the rain, storms, trees, tree trunks, mountains, wild flowers, poppies - I find it all breathtaking.
I am also inspired by art: Matisse is perhaps my greatest inspiration; Persian miniatures; Russian constructionism; old movies; Charlie Chaplin; silent movies; old posters; architecture; good design; the movies of Sergie Parajanov , especially THE COLOR OF POMEGRANATES; the films of Fellini; the great actress Goulietta MASINA.
Great window displays, such as the masterpieces of the original Bendel’s when it was on W57th Street.
Great dinners with fascinating guests and good food.
And let us not forget music!
You have such a unique sense of style—one could see one of your outfits on someone else and immediately know it was yours. How do you have such a range of outfits while always staying on-brand? And how would you advise others who aspire to do the same?
I am not on-brand at all. I don’t follow trends and I rarely look at fashion magazines. I go for style over fashion.
There is a HUGE difference!
Style says “only me”
Fashion says, “me too”
I recommend cultivating a signature style that will carry you forever!

What defines your personal style?
There are certain elements that always go onto making up my style:
Attention to detail - I adore anything hand-made. Good embroidery makes me ga ga! Great hand embroidery makes me giddy. And hats! I have to have a hat on most of the time! It’s the exclamation point! It seals the deal!
Over the past year, it’s been more common to hear people joking about not wearing pants to their zoom meeting than someone discussing their latest outfit. Do you have any suggestions for people who are just getting back into dressing with style?
Yes. Know your body. Dress for your body. Emphasize the positive. Buy the best your budget allows. Get inspired by art. Read my book: The Art of Dressing: Ageless, Timeless, Original Style.
You’ve taught seminars and been a guest lecturer at Parsons and RISD, and you’ve been referenced by everyone from CNN Style to New York Magazine and The Cut. What do you think it is about your speaking engagements that people find so engaging?
I am a good story teller with an interesting story. And I love telling stories. And I LOVE to dress. And I have a great wardrobe that I love to show off.
And I am a good teacher - I have a Masters in Education - I knew I wanted to be a teacher the first day of school, and announced so to my parents when I got home.
Are there any projects you’re working on or that you’ve worked on recently that you could tell us about?
I am bringing back THE ART OF DRESSING MASTERCLASSES, so stay tuned! And looking for venues for my one-woman show THE FABRIC OF MY LIFE!
What can you tell us about your book, The Art of Dressing?
It’s a beautiful book, published by Rizzoli, of which I am very proud!
It really does teach you how to dress with style. I break down the elements that go into elevating dressing to an art form and elaborate on them. There are hundreds of beautiful photos - not just of me and my beautiful parents, but 10 other fabulous women whose style I admire and respect, all of them current and alive, starting with my mother Ziva Naumann. And I somehow manage to tell my story too!
And wonderful illustrations donde by a brilliant artist friend Mokshini.

We love that you bicycle all over NYC. It’s infinitely more glamorous than taxis or the subway. Do you have any tips for those of us who want to bike more, but are hesitant about dealing with NYC traffic?
NY is such a safe and easy bike city. There are so many bike lanes and if you stay close to the outer edges, there are the West Side Highway bike path and one on the East Side. You never have to be in travel. And when and if you do, just stay to the right, stay alert, and have fun!
Do you have a favourite part of the city? If so, what about it speaks to you?
I love the west village. It most speaks to me. The old cobblestones, the houses. I can get lost there for hours and do! I find it very romantic. I can imagine all the great romance that took place there over the years!
After everything you’ve done and accomplished, what’s the next step for you?
I am pursuing getting into TV and movies. I ultimately want my own show I LOVE TZIPPY, inspired by I️ LOVE LUCY.
You can find Tziporah on instagram at @tizporahsalamon
Photography by Macrae Marran.